Departments & Programs

African Studies

African Content Courses
100% Africa Content Courses
African Studies
  • AFRI-L 100 Topics in African Society and Culture (3 cr.) CASE GCC (Approved topics: Ananse as an African Folk Hero; Children’s Images in African Cinema; Gumboot Dance: Beauty from Pain; Mande Cinema; Reed Dance; Political Leadership in Africa; Southern African Culture, Song, and Dance)
  • AFRI-L 202 Occultism in Africa (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC
  • AFRI-L 210 Akan Popular and Oral Art (3 cr.) CASE GCC
  • AFRI-L 231 or HIST-H 227 African Civilizations (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • AFRI-L 232 Contemporary Africa (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • AFRI-L 400 Topics in African Studies (3 cr.) CASE GCC (Approved topic: Development and Globalization in Africa)
  • AFRI-L 401 Readings and Research in African Studies (1–3 cr.)
  • AFRI-L 402 Internship in African Studies (2–4 cr.)
  • ANTH-E 300 Culture Areas and Ethnic Groups (1–3 cr.) (Approved topic: Islam in and out of Africa)
  • ANTH-E 309 Problems in African Ethnography (3 cr.)
  • ANTH-E 312 African Religions (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC
  • ANTH-E 417 African Women CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • ANTH-P 314 Early Prehistory of Africa (3 cr.) CASE S&H
  • ANTH-P 315 Later Prehistory of Africa (3 cr.) CASE S&H
College of Arts and Sciences
  • COLL-C 103 Critical Approaches to the Arts and Humanities (3 cr.)  CASE A&H, CASE CAPP (Approved topic: Magic, Science, and Art in Africa)
Comparative Literature
  • CMLT-C 261 Introduction to African Literature (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC
  • CMLT-C 291 Studies in Non-Western Film (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC (Africa topics only)
  • CMLT-C 361 African Literature and Other Arts (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC
Fine Arts
  • FINA-A 155 Introduction to African Art (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC
  • FINA-A 352 Art of Eastern and Southern Africa (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • FINA-A 355 Art, Craft, and Technology in Sub-Saharan Africa (3 cr.) CASE GCC
  • FINA-A 356 Art of Central Africa (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC
  • FINA-A 453 Art of Sub-Saharan Africa I: Arts of Africa's Western Sudan (4 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
Folklore and Ethnomusicology
  • FOLK-E 302 Music in African Life (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC
  • FOLK-F 301 African Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC (Approved topics: Music in African Life; African Music Performance; West African Music)
  • GEOG-G 425 Africa: Contemporary Geography Problems (3 cr.) CASE S&H
  • HIST-E 300 Issues in African History (3 cr.) CASE S&H
  • HIST-E 331 African History from Ancient Times to Empires and City States (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC (Approved topics: Ancient Empires; Africa to 1800s)
  • HIST-E 332 African History from Colonial Rule to Independence (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • HIST-E 333 Conflict in Southern Africa (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • HIST-E 340 African History and Popular Culture (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • HIST-H 227 African Civilizations (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • HIST-J 300 Seminar in History (3 cr.) CASE S&H (Approved topics: African Military History; Seminar on Contemporary Africa; African History of Technology)
  • LING-L 210 Topics in Language and Society (3 cr.) CASE S&H (Approved topic: African Communication and Culture)
  • LING-L 480 Introduction to African Linguistics (3 cr.) CASE S&H
  • LING-L 481 Language in Africa (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
  • NELC-E 201 Ancient Egyptian History and Civilization (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • NELC-E 301 Religions of Ancient Egypt (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • NELC-N 204 Topics in Middle Eastern Culture and Society (3 cr.) CASE GCC (Approved topics: Good and Evil in Ancient Egypt; Ancient Egypt Stories and Poetry)
Political Science
  • POLS-Y 338 African Politics (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
Kelley School of Business
  • BUS-G 256 Emerging Economies (3 cr.) (Approved topic: Economies in Africa)
School of Public and Environmental Affairs
  • SPEA-E 400 Topics in Environmental Studies (3 cr.) (Approved topic: Kenya Today)
  • SPEA-V 450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (3 cr.) (Approved topic: African Political Economy)
  • SPEA-H 455 Topics in Public Health (3 cr.) (Approved topic: Kenya Today)
Courses with 25% or higher Africa content
African American and African Diaspora Studies
  • AAAD-A 100 African American Dance Company (2 cr.)
  • AAAD-A 154 History of Race in the Americas (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • AAAD-A 156 Black Liberation Struggles against Jim Crow and Apartheid (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • AAAD-A 210 Black Women in the Diaspora (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • AAAD-A 350 Black Atlantic (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC
  • AAAD-A 360 Slavery: Worldwide Perspective (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • AAAD-A 407 African American and African Protest Strategies (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • AAAD-A 420 Transforming Divided Communities and Societies (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • AAAD-A 430 The Cinema of Africana Women (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE DUS
  • ANTH-A 107 Becoming Human: Evolving Genes, Bodies, Behaviors, Ideas (3 cr.) CASE N&M 
  • ANTH-A 205 Anthropology Today: Selected Topics in Current Research (3 cr.) (Approved topic: Exploring Sustainable Agriculture and Trade)
  • ANTH-B 200 Bioanthropology (3 cr.) CASE N&M
  • ANTH-B 368 The Evolution of Primate Social Behavior (3 cr.) CASE N&M
  • ANTH-B 464 Human Paleontology (3 cr.)
  • ANTH-E 314 Voices of Women (3 cr.) CASE A&H
  • ANTH-E 386 Performance, Culture, and Power in the Middle East and North Africa (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • ANTH-E 400 Undergraduate Seminar (3 cr.) (Approved topic: Money, Materiality, and Value)
  • ANTH-P 210 Life in the Stone Age (3 cr.) CASE S&H
Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design
  • AMID-F 301 Dress Studies: Topics in Cultural Analysis (3 cr.) CASE GCC
College of Arts and Sciences
  • COLL-C 103 Critical Approaches to the Arts and Humanities (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE CAPP (Approved topic: Ebonics: The Controversy over African American Vernacular English)
  • COLL-C 105 Critical Approaches to the Natural and Mathematical Sciences (3 cr.) CASE N&M, CASE CAPP (Approved topic: Sister Species)
Comparative Literature
  • CMLT-C 262 Cross-Cultural Encounters (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC (Approved topic: Love and War across Borders)
  • CMLT-C 301 Special Topics in Comparative Literature (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC (Approved topic: Folklore and Magical/Animist Realism)
  • CMLT-C 318 Satire (3 cr.) CASE A&H
  • CMLT-C 360 Diasporic Literatures (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC
  • CMLT-C 363 Black Paris (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC
Fine Arts
  • FINA-A 327 Survey of Islamic Art (3 cr.) CASE S&H, CASE GCC
  • FINA-A 458 Topics in the Ethnographic Arts (3 cr.) CASE S&H (Approved topic: From Tarzan to the Hot Heads)
Folklore and Ethnomusicology
  • FOLK-E 112 Black Music of Two Worlds (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC
  • FOLK-E 297 Popular Music of Black America (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE DUS
  • FOLK-E 496 African American Religious Music (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE DUS
  • FOLK-F 215 Health and Morbidity in Traditional Cultures (3 cr.) CASE S&H (Approved topic: Healing and the Occult)
  • FOLK-F 252 Folklore and the Humanities (3 cr.) CASE A&H (Approved topic: Global Pop Music)
  • FOLK-F 307 Middle Eastern Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC (Approved topics: The Arabian Nights: East and West; Islam among the Folk)
  • FOLK-F 450 Music in Religious Thought and Experience (3 cr.) CASE A&H
French and Italian
  • FRIT-F 222 Francophone Media Studies (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC
  • FRIT-F 300 Reading and Expression in French (3 cr.) CASE A&H (Approved topics: Manger, boire...; Desire, souffrance et liberte)
  • FRIT-F 363 La France 1800–aujourd'hui (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC
  • FRIT-F 467 French Beyond the Hexagon (3 cr.)
  • HIST-J 400 Seminar in History (3 cr.) CASE S&H (Approved topic: Indian Ocean - Cradle of Globalization; Cold War and the Civil Rights Movement)
  • HIST-W 200 Issues in World History (3 cr.) CASE S&H (Approved topic: World War I from the Margins)
  • HIST-W 300 Issues in World History (3 cr.) CASE S&H (Approved topic: Slavery and Unfreedom)
International Studies
  • INTL-I 303 Advanced Topics in Global Development (3 cr.) (Approved topic: Comparative Politics of Natural Resources: Linking the Global and the Local)
  • LING-L 103 Introduction to the Study of Language (3 cr.) CASE S&H
  • LING-L 112 Language and Politics (3 cr.) CASE S&H
  • LING-L 306 Phonetics (3 cr.) CASE N&M
  • LING-L 308 Morphology (3 cr.) CASE N&M
  • LING-L 315 Introduction to Sociolinguistics (3 cr.) CASE S&H
  • LING-L 485 Topics in Linguistics (3 cr.) (Approved topic: Advanced Phonology)
Political Science
  • POLS-Y 107 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3 cr.) CASE S&H
  • POLS-Y 343 The Politics of International Development (3 cr.) CASE S&H
Spanish and Portuguese
  • HISP-P 401 Literatures of the Portuguese-Speaking World II (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC
  • HISP-P 405 Literature and Film in Portuguese (3 cr.) CASE A&H, CASE GCC
  • HISP-P 415 Women Writing in Portuguese (3 cr.) CASE A&H
School of Public and Environmental Affairs
  • SPEA-V 160 National and International Policy (3 cr.) (Sections taught by African Studies Program faculty)
  • SPEA-V 450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (3 cr.) (Approved topics: Global Governance in the 21st Century; NGO Management in Comparative Perspective; Third World Development; U.S. Foreign Policy and Third World Regimes)
School of Public Health
  • SPH-F 347 Human Development 2: Mid-Childhood through Adolescence
  • SPH-H 150 Children’s Health up to Age 5 (3 cr.)
  • SPH-H 414 Health Education in Pre-Kindergarten–Grade 6 (3 cr.)